Sunday, April 12, 2015

Outreach to Teach Community Service

Student PSEA Conference

PSSA motivation letters!!

A week before the PSSA's took place I sent home a letter to all the parents encouraging them to write a note for their students to read before the first day of testing. The parents sent back letters in sealed envelopes! I wrote a few letters incase not all of the parents sent in a letter. I'm so excited to see the kids reactions Monday morning before the test! 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Eggcellent Learning!

This unit is all about converting fractions to decimals in math! The students were put into small groups and they had to match the fraction to the correct decimal.  Each group was timed to see who could complete the activity the fastest. The students had to whisper and work together. They  weren't allowed to break the egg (they were plastic and flimsy) and if they did a minute was added to their time. The kids were so excited and engaged!!