Monday, March 9, 2015

Story Taco (Retelling Strategy)

I am in charge of the Retelling Group for reading intervention.  The first time I met with the students we made a story time taco! The students were very enthuasistic about creating their own taco with fillings!

I first started off with a paper plate and had the students write: Story Taco and Title of the Book.

Then I had the students label each part, the brown was meat: the setting (or where the story takes place).  The next color is green which is the characters.  Then the next color paper is red and red stands for the solution to the problem in the story (answer).  The final piece of the taco is the yellow paper.  Yellow paper is used for main idea.  The main idea has three parts: beginning, middle and end.

For the next time we meet the students will read their own silent reading book and answer the questions and record their answers on the graphic organizer. 

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